The Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at City University organized a Web Development workshop led by Engineer Ihab Hassoun

The Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at City University, in collaboration with the IEEE CityU Student Branch, organized a unique workshop on Web Development presented by Eng. Ihab Hassoun.

The session was well attended by students who had a unique opportunity to benefit from Hassoun’s expertise in the field of web development. The students were introduced to the basics of web development, focusing on tools and techniques that contribute to building professional web projects.

The workshop included practical applications for creating web pages using HTML and CSS. Hassoun explained how to create separate design files and link them to content files to control the design of the page. He also explained how to use different structural elements to achieve a flexible and organized design. Students also learned how to organize web projects by creating folders containing the necessary files, making it easier to organize work and improve its efficiency.

The workshop concluded with a positive and enthusiastic atmosphere, with students expressing their great benefit and appreciation for this initiative that enhanced their technical knowledge and helped them keep up with technological developments.