Architecture & Design
Letter From Dean
The Faculty of Architecture and Design at CITYU started with the Graphic Design program back in the year 2003, the university launching year. The faculty itself was founded in 2006 and developed during the first ten years from a few students in Graphic Design to a full-fledged faculty of more than 200 students and seven majors three of which are most popular, namely: Architecture, Interior Design and Graphic Design. The four other majors which are no less important and rather unique in Lebanon and the North are: Furniture Design, Industrial Design, Photography, and Studio Arts.
The majors of the Faculty of Architecture and Design (FAD) share a solid core of creative imagination and artistic talent, coupled with an aptitude for rationalization, self-expression and visual representation which are explored and nurtured in foundation years and invested concurrently in the design studio through the production of artworks, interior and exterior building designs, furniture, industrial products, and other drawings and graphic representations.
Alongside the harmony between FAD majors there is the uniqueness of the common learning process which is based on the interactive and complementary relationship of the design studio, the theoretical lectures in the classroom, and visual representation and production in the lab or workshop. The central role however is given to the studio which is distinctively different from the traditional classroom and which embodies the maximum interaction between students and instructors all within a unique experimental and productive setting based on one-to one contact and mutual learning.
Prof. Mohamad Nasri