About the faculty
Undergraduate Programs
Dean's Message
Dear Student,
Welcome to the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences. It is our mission to ensure intellectual creativity. Our faculty members are of the highest caliber. They help guide students to become critical thinkers. The faculty also promote problem solving skills, strong communication, and skills needed for students to be leaders in their community.
Our academic programs offer opportunities for students to discover their interests and to appreciate learning. Our programs also offer extensive preparation for the market place or for further education. The Faculty is a supportive and stimulating community of teaching and learning.
Enrolling in one of the many fields within the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences is both an intellectually and professionally sound decision. Our majors provide students with many opportunities to explore major questions like—How does the world and the universe work? What makes for a good person, or a good society? Professionally, many surveys of employers have proven that they would rather hire graduates from the arts and sciences majors due to their ability to think critically, creatively solve problems and effectively communicate and collaborate with others.
I hope that you experience this excitement as you enroll in the Faculty.