Academic Advising

Academic advising at CITYU is a central factor of the educational process and greatly affects student’s success.

Faculty members and deans are jointly responsible for offering academic advising to students. Academic advising serves to develop student’s educational plans that are consistent with the learning outcomes and career objectives. The students – not the advisors – assume full responsibility for their educational planning, selection of courses, meeting course prerequisites and adhering to CITYU Rules & Regulations.

Frequently Used Academic Terms

Curriculum: The curriculum is the student’s study plan, comprised of courses to be completed. The student has to successfully complete all the courses in the curriculum to graduate and earn a degree.

Course: A course is a studying unit which is usually three hours per week, offered over a period of fifteen weeks, including exams.

Credit hour: A credit hour is the basic studying unit which the student attends for a registered course.

Study Load: Study load is the total number of credit hours the student registers and attempts to pass at the end of the semester.

Academic Advisor: An Academic Advisor is a faculty member who advises students on what courses they need to register for every semester.

Student Information System (SIS): SIS is the Moodle software used at CITYU for course registration and grade publishing.

Academic Calendar: Academic Calendar is the calendar issued by the University Administration and which specifies the beginning and end dates of each semester, add/drop periods, exam dates, and days-off.

Registrar Office: Registrar Office is the office of admission and registration where students submit applications, documents, petitions, and request official documents.

IT Department: The Information Technology office provides students with their usernames and passwords to access the Student Information System and other IT services on Campus, such as WIFI usernames and passwords.

Dean’s Office: The Dean’s Office is the office of the Dean of the faculty in which the student is enrolled.

Medium of Communication

CITYU students are held responsible for all posted or electronic announcements by the University. CITYU administration uses SMS and email as official means of communication with the students. Hence, it is the students’ responsibility to maintain a valid mobile number. In case students change their mobile number or email address, the Registrar’s Office should be immediately informed.

New Students Orientation

The orientation program is intended to introduce newly enrolled students to the university facilities in addition to Rules & Regulations pertaining to their duties and responsibilities while on campus. At the beginning of the fall semester, all new students are required to attend the orientation sessions held by the Student Affairs Office, during which they will receive their copy of the Student Guide. They are expected to be informed of the Guide’s content. Students are also expected to look out for all announcements – both printed and electronic – issued by the University.

Student General Perspective

CITYU students are expected to demonstrate responsibility in their academic life, which shall reflect in their personal life. They are required to abide by CITYU Rules & Regulations that have been prepared for their own benefit. Students should understand that they assume full responsibility for the consequences of their actions and behavior during their stay at CITYU. Ignorance of CITYU Rules & Regulations cannot be accepted as an excuse for misconduct, such as, but not limited to, smoking within the University’s buildings, causing damage to University properties, and posting any material without prior approval. Students’ failure to comply with the University Rules & Regulations leads to disciplinary measures.

Students’ Integrity

CITYU students are fully responsible for their academic integrity. For instance, students are responsible for any act of plagiarism which means using the intellectual property of someone else without properly citing the author. Such an act is considered by CITYU Administration as a serious offense, which is subject to disciplinary measures that may lead to failure of the course. Examples of plagiarism include:

Copying phrases or sentences from sources without citing them,
Summarizing ideas from sources without proper citation,
Submitting someone else’s work, either partly or in whole, without referring to the initial owner or source.